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 About CHAPS



Citizens for Historic and Preservation Services strives to educate the public on the value of saving significant buildings and structures from neglect and modernization (that destroy the integrity of the building), and from demolition. CHAPS records and communicates news about preservation efforts in Butler County.

CHAPS accomplishes its mission in a host of ways. Some of the past activities of CHAPS include:

  • Monitoring a list of endangered buildings and advocating for their preservation

  • Obtaining grants to conduct surveys of buildings across Butler County

  • Producing portfolios on the history of buildings, such as for Shandon, the first Welsh community in Ohio

  • Presenting seminars with well-known and respected preservationists

  • Producing brochures to use in saving historic homes

  • Meeting and consulting with owners of historic properties regarding preservation

  • Working with state and regional organizations and the National Trust for Historic Preservation

  • Presenting awards for outstanding local preservation efforts

  • Creating a conduit for donations for preservation education through the Hamilton Community Foundation

  • Organizing committees to tackle local preservation projects



Citizens for Historic and Preservation Services (CHAPS) was founded as a result of an effort to save the historic Butler County Home in Fairfield Township. After a long battle--and the eventual loss of the imposing structure--CHAPS was founded as a county-wide organization to channel the frustration from the building's loss into a positive preservation effort.


Since its founding in 1983,  CHAPS has been helping communities throughout Butler County preserve and protect their historic treasures. A 501(C)(3) not for profit corporation, CHAPS has worked with individuals, community organizations, and historical societies in education and informing citizens and decision-makers of the benefits of preserving our heritage.


P.O. Box 1276  |  Hamilton  |  Ohio  |  45012

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